Can be used to test the Connection or to check if the Remote Source is Accessible or Network Configuration. Ping works using the ICMP Protocol.
ping <target>
fping -A <target>
Traces the Route taken by the packets from your System to another Host. The purpose of a Traceroute is to find the IP Addresses of the Routers or Hops that a packet traverses as it goes from your System to a Target Host.
traceroute <target>
Query who a Domain Name is registered to. Information's such as E-Mails, Technical Contacts, Admins, Numbers...
whois <target>
When we make a query to a Web Server first we will look for tame locally if they are not found. We are going to do a request know as Recursive DNS Server
. Many ISP have their own recursive server, however if its not found the recursive server will pass the request to a Root Name Server.
There are 13 root name DNS servers in the world. The root name servers keep track of the DNS servers in the next level down.
Top-Level Domain (These are lower level Servers.) servers are split up into extensions. If you were searching for your request would be redirected to a Top-Level Domain Server that handled .com
dig <target>
dog <target>
nslookup -type=A <target>