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Windows - Linux

The Windows - Linux Module Contains General Information about Permission (Linux Permissions Guide) - Commands (Commands that might be useful in Pentesting) - Shell Stabilization (Help Maintain Access) - Reverse Shell's.

The Windows Module also contains Common Tools/Active Directory Tools.

File Transfer

Linux - Windows Transfer methods provide Unsecure - Secure/Encrypted options for Transferring files between the two Operating Systems. The Guide provides both Upload and Download Methods.

There are Miscellaneous Transfer methods. The Module shows how to use Programming Language to Transfer Files.

Network Services

The Network Services module focuses on assessing the Security of FTP - NFS - SMB - SMTP - MySQL - Redis. It identifies Vulnerabilities, Misconfigurations, and Weaknesses that could lead to Unauthorized Access or Data Breaches.

Web Vulnerabilities

The Web Vulnerabilities Module focuses on common Security Weaknesses in Web Applications.

  • Injection: Untrusted data can be used to exploit applications, such as SQL or OS Command Injection.
  • Broken Authentication: Flaws in Authentication mechanisms allow Unauthorized Access to User Accounts.
  • XML External Entity (XXE): Insecure XML processing enables reading files or executing Remote Code.
  • XSS (Cross-Site Scripting): Malicious Scripts are Injected into Web Pages, compromising User Data.
  • Upload Vulnerabilities: Insecure file Uploads can lead to the execution of Malicious Code.

The Recon Module involves Gathering Information and conducting Reconnaissance. It utilizes tools like ping - fping - traceroute - dig - dog - nslookup, and techniques like Google Dorking.

These help in assessing Network Connectivity, Mapping Network Paths, querying DNS Information, and Discovering Potential Vulnerabilities.